"Mutual action greater than mutual extinction"
"Mutual action greater than mutual extinction"
"If we won't do anything, our planet will die"
"If we won't do anything, our planet will die"
"I'm dying"
"I'm dying"
"Thousands of young people want to kill themselves, not long and global warming will do it for them"
"Thousands of young people want to kill themselves, not long and global warming will do it for them"
"Green energy is better politics"
"Green energy is better politics"
"What do you choose?"
"What do you choose?"
"Total climate defeat"; "Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development"
"Total climate defeat"; "Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development"
"We constantly scream at you that we're in a bind, cannot breath freely, cannot die with dignity - we have a chance to change everything"
"We constantly scream at you that we're in a bind, cannot breath freely, cannot die with dignity - we have a chance to change everything"
"There won't be enough time soon"
"There won't be enough time soon"
"[3 decades of] inaction"
"[3 decades of] inaction"
"LNG kills, gas kills"
"LNG kills, gas kills"
"Gas from Qatar, blood on hands"
"Gas from Qatar, blood on hands"
"Gas from Qatar, blood on hands"
"Gas from Qatar, blood on hands"
"Stop the war, stop the energy crisis"
"Stop the war, stop the energy crisis"
"Cold, poverty, no power, no water, no warmth"
"Cold, poverty, no power, no water, no warmth"
In August 2018, youth activist Greta Thunberg's "school strike for climate" in Sweden would inspire a global protest movement for ecological action and climate justice. Photos in this selection document several demonstrations and actions related to the international movement that took place in Poland and Germany in 2022. 
On 10 August 2022, prior to German anti-fossil fuel collective Ende Gelände's successful mass action in Hamburg, a mass street demonstration was organized in the city to protest against the construction of LNG terminals and the neocolonial exploitation they require to operate. 
On 23 September 2022, Poland's Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny, (Youth Climate Strike), organized a school strike and street protest in Warsaw under the slogan "mutual action greater than mutual extinction."
Then, on 28 October 2022, Extinction Rebellion Poland blockaded the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Warsaw in protest against the construction of the mega-airport of the planned Central Communication Port (CPK) - effectively blocking almost all entrances to the ministry for several hours. 
This action was followed by another school strike and march through the streets of Warsaw on 18 November 2022 under the slogan "3 decades of inaction."
Later, on 30 November 2022, Polish anti-gas activist group Bombelki Kolektyw occupied the lobby of the Warsaw headquarters of Polish oil and gas company Orlen in protest of the state owned company's use of Qatar-supplied gas and Orlen's sponsorship of the Polish national football team during the Qatar-hosted World Cup. 
Lastly, on 18 December 2022, right before Poland's Christmas holidays, Extinction Rebellion Poland staged a protest-performance on Warsaw's Castle Square during which the city's Christmas tree was temporarily shut off and a performance was conducted that drew attention to the many negative effects of the dual climate-energy crises. 
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