"Anti-fascism is our responsibility"; "Rise up against fascism"
"Anti-fascism is our responsibility"; "Rise up against fascism"
Banner on balcony: "Rise up against fascism"
Banner on balcony: "Rise up against fascism"
"A free Warsaw. Without fascism!"
"A free Warsaw. Without fascism!"
"A safe home for all instead of  a fortress under siege"
"A safe home for all instead of a fortress under siege"
"For your freedom and ours!"
"For your freedom and ours!"
"Fascists off of our streets!"
"Fascists off of our streets!"
"Equal rights = equal responsibilities"
"Equal rights = equal responsibilities"
"Human to human to sister"
"Human to human to sister"
"For a world without fascism of all kinds"
"For a world without fascism of all kinds"
"We love Poland, not fascism!"
"We love Poland, not fascism!"
"For your freedom and ours - anti-fascism without borders"
"For your freedom and ours - anti-fascism without borders"
"Stop Nazism"
"Stop Nazism"
"Anti-fascism without borders"
"Anti-fascism without borders"
Since 2011, a coalition of Polish far-right, Catholic extremist, and neo-fascist movements have organized annual marches in Warsaw on two dates significant in Polish history - Polish Independence Day on the 11th of November and the Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising on the 1st of August. These marches have very often resulted in rioting, violent clashes with the police, anti-semitic and racist chants, as well as burning flags and symbols of the LQBTQ+ community and the European Union. 
With the Polish government unwilling to delegalize the violent marches, or at times even co-opted by politicians of the PiS party and its allies, a broad alliance of various left wing, anarchist, and anti-fascist groups created the Koalicja Antyfaszystowska, or Anti-fascist Coalition, to counter-protest the annual marches of the far-right. 
Since 2017, the Anti-fascist Coalition has been organizing protest marches on the 11th of November under the slogan "For Your Freedom and Ours," an old slogan used by Polish revolutionaries in the 19th century as well as 20th century Polish anti-fascist fighters in Spain volunteering for Republican forces during the Spanish Civil War. A smaller collective of mainly leftist political parties has been organizing counter-protests during the 1st of August Warsaw Uprising commemorations, highlighting the anti-fascist character of the uprising itself. 
In recent years, the anti-fascist marches organized by the Anti-fascist Coalition on the 11th of November have taken on the form of a dance protest or street party. This was done by the coalition to offer a colorful, festive, and inclusive alternative to the hateful, aggressive marches of the far-right. In addition, the street party format commemorates a broader, international tradition of anti-fascist dance protests, such as when the flamenco was performed to protest Franco's dictatorship in Spain. 
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