"The workers united will never be defeated"

"Never again war nor exploitation"; "Dignity and peace"

"Give us back power over our own lives"

"Away with (this) government, may the people govern themselves!"; "Luxury for everyone - warmth, prosperity, expropriate the oligarchy"

"Truth, love, solidarity must prevail over greed"

"Protect trans kids"

The 1st of May has been a day of commemorating those who fought for labor rights since 1886, when a general strike for the eight-hour working day began on that day in the Unites States and culminated in the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago four days later, which subsequently led to the execution of four Chicago anarchist labor organizers. Wrocław and Prague are two Central European cities with active contemporary anarchist organizations. The annual demonstrations in both cities highlight the inequalities in capitalist society, the precarity of wage laborers, the role of the state in generating socio-economic crisis, and the need to fight for social and climate justice.